Helpful eBay Links

ebay training

Over the years I’ve found myself spending a lot of time searching for eBay related resources and links so I figured I would just put together a master list that I could use as a reference and if others can benefit from it then great:

Announcement Related

eBay Announcements  If you sell on eBay you better book mark this URL.  Keep an eye on this page daily to see announcements, special offers, etc… specifically for sellers.

2014 Spring Seller Update  Overall the new performance metrics actually make it easier to obtain and stay a top rated seller.  The only major issue I see is for eBay sellers that sell used equipment because the change from 2 star to 3 star Item as Described counting against a seller is going to sting big time.


eBay Seller Requirement Related

eBay image checker  Back in July 2013 ebay rolled out a new requirement that all listing images need to be at least 500 x 500.  They also provided sellers with a tool to help identify listings that don’t meet that requirement.


eBay Store Customization Related

eBay Store – HTML Tags  For those of you who know HTML, this link is helpful by providing HTML tags you can use to pull in eBay elements into your eBay store.

Hacking eBay URLs  This title sounds bad but it isn’t.  For those of you who want to customize your eBay store you may need to generate some custom URLs so you can send customers exactly where you want them to go (i.e. keyword search + category restriction + # of results per page + products above or under X dollars).  I’ve used this on many custom eBay store designs to give a much more user friendly interface than what eBay provides out of the box.


eBay Optimization Related

eBay optimization tools  For sellers that want to take their eBay business to the next level, check out these helpful tools.  Personally I have used many of these tools and I can vouch for some of them, but make sure you do your research because some of these tools aren’t very good.

eBay Promotion Manager  If you sell on eBay and you have an eBay store then you better be using eBay promotion manager.


Shipping & Tracking Related

eBay upload tracking information  This link is mainly helpful to sellers that are scaling up to automate their order fulfillment process

eBay tracking upload deadline  I’ve been asked multiple times about the deadline to upload tracking onto eBay.  Tracking upload deadlines are not based on an exact 24 hours window (i.e. If the order comes in at 3:30 PM tracking doesn’t have to be uploaded by 3:29 PM the following day).  Tracking upload is due at 11:59:59 PM on the promised ship day.  So if you have a one day turnaround time then you have until midnight tomorrow to upload tracking.  The link just shows you where eBay states that fact.

China eBay sellers have a huge advantage over US sellers  I came across this article after doing some research on China ePacket shipping.  I’ve been noticing more and more Chinese eBay sellers using this shipping method and I never understood how they could be making any money because they would offer FREE SHIPPING from China and the item is only $5 – $10.  It cost me more than that to ship a letter to my dad in China.  This article explains it all.  It is a great read for those eBay nerds out there.


Trademark Related

Create a VeRO About Me page

Submit that page to the vero team ( or email

Have them add your page to the page

Submit a complaint on a case by case scenario


I will continuously add to this post as I find more and more helpful eBay related links.

Derrick Chan