
channeladvisorChannelAdvisor is an e-commerce platform that allows you to sell through multiple online channels all from one interface. So if you sell on more than one of the following sales channels then you will definitely want to see if Channel Advisor is a good fit for you:

  • e-commerce website
  • Google Product Search
  • Yahoo Shopping
  • Bing Shopping

What ChannelAdvisor offers is a single portal interface that allows you to manage your inventory, customers, and sales for all of your online sales channels. So instead of having to log into eBay to list items for sale, then log into Amazon, then log into your website admin you can control off of your products and sales from within Channel Advisor. Overall ChannelAdvisor does a great job in making their user interface extremely user friendly. The only areas where ChannelAdvisor needs major improvement on is in their analytics and website custom features. As far as websites go there are two ways of using Channel Advisor, you can either do a custom integration with your existing website or you can use ChannelAdvisor’s Premium Webstore solution. If you want to integrate you own website ChannelAdvisor offers a great API, but you will need help from a developer. ChannelAdvisor’s Premium Webstore solution is a great fit as long as you aren’t trying to do anything too custom. Most e-commerce sellers are fine using the Premium Webstore but make sure you check with ChannelAdvisor before you sign up to make sure their Premium Website features line up with the features you are looking for. I’ve worked with ChannelAdvisor for multiple clients so I know the system well. If you have any questions about ChannelAdvisor or if you need any kind of custom development or integration feel free to contact me.